Dr. Nina Ahmad Wins Democratic Primary for Pennsylvania Auditor General
For Immediate Release
July 13th, 2020 UPDATE — The final vote total as noted by the PA Department of State shows Dr. Nina Ahmad received 551,144 votes with a lead of 140,588 over her nearest competitor.
June 11, 2020
PHILADELPHIA, PA — With her lead over her closest competitor at nearly 70,000 votes and growing, today Dr. Nina Ahmad’s campaign for Pennsylvania auditor general announced that she won the hotly contested, six-way Democratic primary for Pennsylvania auditor general.
Michael Lamb, the Pittsburgh City Controller and a top candidate for auditor general, called Dr. Ahmad yesterday to offer his congratulations on her win and to graciously offer his help this Fall.
“First, I’d like to thank the three other women and two men who ran for auditor general for running strong campaigns based on progressive ideas for delivering positive change in our commonwealth,” said Dr. Ahmad. “Second, as a board member for the National Organization for Women, I was particularly proud that so many highly qualified women ran for this important office. I hope that’s a sign of things to come. Last, but definitely not least, I can’t thank enough the broad coalition of progressives, unions, and community leaders from across the state who supported my campaign. I promised change and voters responded resoundingly by electing a new face and a new voice. I am deeply humbled.”
Dr. Ahmad came to the United States alone, having survived a violent war for independence in Bangladesh. She waitressed and worked other minimum wage jobs before earning a Ph.D. in Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Ahmad worked as a medical scientist at Wills Eye Hospital and Thomas Jefferson Medical College, served as Deputy Mayor of Philadelphia, and is the former President of Philly NOW. She also proudly served President Barack Obama as a member of his National Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Dr. Ahmad and her husband, Ahsan Nasratullah, live in the Mt. Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia where they raised two daughters, Priya and Joya.
By winning the statewide Democratic primary, Dr. Ahmad became the first immigrant and person of color ever to be nominated by Democrats for statewide executive office in Pennsylvania. Dr. Ahmad ran on a platform of using the office of auditor general as a tool for change, transparency, and accountability. As a medical scientist, Dr. Ahmad also campaigned on using facts and evidence — not fear and division — to help improve the quality of life for our citizens.
In declaring victory, Dr. Ahmad, who won Southeastern Pennsylvania by a large margin, vowed to work closely with her former opponents and reach out to voters in all regions of the state. In the months ahead she will work to build excitement and energy within the party and grow her coalition of support for the General Election in November.
“I’m looking forward to hitting the campaign trail with Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Josh Shapiro, and State Treasurer Joe Torsella,” said Dr. Ahmad. “I know that, together, we can deliver the change Pennsylvanians want. We can rebuild our economy in a way that boosts our small businesses, and benefits working and middle-class families. We can ensure that police reform and criminal justice reform remain front and center. And as auditor general, I will view all of the audits that the office conducts through the lens of racial equity, I will work to stamp out sexual harassment and discrimination in state government, and change the culture in Harrisburg.”
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Contact: Mark Nevins — mark@doverstrategygroup.com